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fLister - Mid-advanced file lister

Posted: 22 Nov 2009, 21:14
by d3dik
I'd like to present you the fLister. It is a file lister, with it we can show our files placed on a remote server the easy and clear way.

The fLister's features:
- Speed.
- Template system. 2 styles available right now, dark and white.
- Langs system.
- Configuration table, from which it's possible to specify the fLister to read data.
- Flash player for mp3/mp4/flv files.

The package with current version get [url=]here[/url], and watch the source code without a need to download you can [url=]here[/url].

demo [url=]here[/url]

Please remember to change chmod to 777 for the 'cache' folder. Should you have any ideas for new fLister's abilities or any suggestion about the code, don't hesitate and shoot me on Jabber <[email protected]>.

Re: fLister - Mid-advanced file lister

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 22:54
by .snow
Interesting, I may have a need for this in the near future.